Impact Data

Impact Data

The CLIMBER Loan Fund is a statewide program providing working capital to Colorado small businesses. It promotes small business recovery, saves jobs, and helps support the Colorado economy.

The program is designed to catalyze loans that would not otherwise happen. Below-market interest rates and favorable terms help the program be a secure recovery option for small businesses. Special consideration is given to small businesses that:

  • Are underserved and rural businesses
  • Are in low- to moderate-income areas
  • Are in distressed and underserved areas

According to the latest census data, the following businesses might be eligible for CLIMBER support:


Colorado small businesses



Source: Number of Firms, Number of Establishments, Employment, and Annual Payroll by Small Enterprise Employment Sizes for the United States and States, NAICS Sectors: 2017

CLIMBER is a partnership between the State of Colorado, including the State Treasurer’s Office and the Office of Economic Development and International Trade, Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, and CLIMBER’s private investors.

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